Category: Woman to Woman


verb 1. speak or shout at length in a wild, impassioned way.
“she was still ranting on about the unfairness of it all”
synonyms: fulminate, go on, hold forth, vociferate, sound off, spout, pontificate, bluster, declaim.

Sometimes I like to speak at length in a wild, impassioned way. Sometimes I like to shout. I’ve found it makes people uncomfortable. Passion, unless you are a man, tends to evoke thoughts such as “I wonder if she’s off her meds?”

Terminator, Here I Come

I sit at my laptop all day long, from the moment I return home at 9am after dropping my children at school, to the moment I leave to pick them up from school at 3:30pm.

Let me make this clear. I do not get up from my chair all day except for three reasons: 1) I make a Nespresso Latte for myself around 9:30am. 2) I forage through the fridge around 1pm for something to eat for lunch, usually with a spoonful or two from the jar of Dulce De Leche I keep in the fridge! 3) I have to go to the bathroom.

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