Category: Musings

Terminator, Here I Come

I sit at my laptop all day long, from the moment I return home at 9am after dropping my children at school, to the moment I leave to pick them up from school at 3:30pm.

Let me make this clear. I do not get up from my chair all day except for three reasons: 1) I make a Nespresso Latte for myself around 9:30am. 2) I forage through the fridge around 1pm for something to eat for lunch, usually with a spoonful or two from the jar of Dulce De Leche I keep in the fridge! 3) I have to go to the bathroom.

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No Time Like the Present

Ruby, our hamster, just jumped off her wheel. That damn wheel kills me. She runs with such purpose. Such determination. Such conviction. She believes she is going somewhere. I avert my eyes from my laptop screen and look up at her. She is sitting on her hind legs, staring at me. What does she want from me? I think she is smarter than the average bear or at least the average teddy bear hamster.

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If I knew I only had two years left

I just woke up from a dream, or perhaps a nightmare, where I learned that the Earth will implode on itself in two years. That's it, two years from today. That's all we've got. When I woke up, it got me thinking. What if that were true? What if we only had two years before some catastrophic event happened on earth that destroyed it. What would I do, if I knew I only had two years left, if everyone only had two years left? Should I be sitting at a desk?

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A Summer Trip to Italy with the Kids: 10 Cities in 10 Days, Saluti

A 6th grade trip to Italy, God help me. 12 children, 3 parents, 2 teachers. 11 days. EF Tours was the chosen tour company, known for being cheap. They lived up to their reputation. We arrived in Milan on a Monday, after 31 hours of travel beginning at 3:30am at LAX, a long layover in NYC and finally Milan, five movies later. We met up with other assigned groups at the airport. 51 of us piled onto our tour bus that would become our second home for the next 9 days. I’m not a group person.

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Top 10 Reasons Why Vampires are Hot

For decades Hollywood has made vampire movies. I remember when the Ann Rice novels first came out - vampires were popular again. Then Twilight - and another wave of vampire movies and TV shows followed. I think everyone can attest that the actors they cast as vampires are usually pretty hot. But what makes them hot? Is it the mere fact that they are vampires? That they are immortal? I've compiled a list of my top 10 reasons why I think vampires are hot. What are your top 10 reasons? Do you have a favorite vampire?

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